

Adoration of Christ by the Magi

According to the Gospel of St. Matthew (3:1-12) several personalities from the East came to visit and to give presents to Christ shortly after his birth. They were designated as “Magi” because they were thought to have come from Persia.

De acordo com o Evangelho de São Mateus (III, 1-12) diversas personagens vindas do Oriente teriam visitado e presenteado Cristo pouco depois do seu nascimento. São designados como Reis Magos por se pensar que seriam Persas.

Gentile da Fabriano (ca 1370-1427)-'Adoration of Christ by the Magi'-tempera on wood-1493   Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Benozzo Gozzoli (ca 1421-1497)-'procession of the Magus Melchior'-fresco-1459   Firenze-Palazzo Medici-Ricardi (cappella)

Stefano da Verona (ca 1397-ca 1438)-'Adoration of Christ by the Magi'-tempera on panel-1435   Milano-Pinacoteca di Brera

Master of the Vyssi Brod or Hohenfurth (active ca 1350)-'Adoration of Christ by the Magi'-oil on wood   Prague-Narodni Galerie

Geertgen tot Sint Jans (ca 1465-ca 1495)-'Adoration of Christ by the Magi'-oil on panel-ca 1490   Rotterdam-Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

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