

Goddess Pallas Athena

The legends consider it to be asexual or parthenogenic daughter of Zeus. He belonged to all the 12 Olympian gods. He never married nor his lovers know. It was, along with Ares, unbeatable in war. Although protective of Athens with his cult had spread throughout Greece.

As lendas consideram-na filha partenogénica ou assexuada de Zeus. Pertencia ao conjunto dos 12 deuses olímpicos. Nunca casou nem se lhe conhecem amantes. Era, a par de Ares, imbatível na guerra. Apesar de protectora da Atenas o seu culto encontrava-se difundido por toda a Grécia.

Oltos (?) potter-'Athena and Enceladus fighting'-attic-(red-figure)-dish-ca 525 BC  Paris-Musée du Louvre (CA 3662)

Pamphaios potter / Euphiletos painter-'Athena wearing the aegis'-attic-(black-figure)-hydria-ca 540 BC   Paris-Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Cabinet des Médailles- De Ridder 254)

Andokides (potter, painter)-'fighter with Athena and Hermes'-attic-(red-figure)-amphora-ca 530 BC-Vulci   Paris-Musée du Louvre (G 1)

Nazzano painter-'Athena and Poseidon'-faliscan-(red-figure)-volute krater-ca 360 BC    Paris-Musée du Louvre (CA 7426)

C painter-'birth of Athena'-attic-(black-figure)-tripod-(570-560 BC)-Thebes   Paris-Musée du Louvre (CA 616)

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