

Daily life by Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916)

For the Italian painter  Aegisthus Lancerotto  (1847-1916) is not always the repetitive monotonous daily life of ordinary citizens, not the particular case of the young people of his time.

Para o pintor Italiano  Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916) nem sempre é monótona a repetitiva vida quotidiana dos cidadãos comuns, no caso particular das jovens do seu tempo.

Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916)-'mazurka'

Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916)-'she loves me'

Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916)-'familiar scene'

Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916)-'picking daisies'-oil on canvas   Private collection

Egisto Lancerotto (1847-1916)-'a young woman in a vineyard'

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