Cossacks’ rebellion (17th century)
Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (1630-1671), the Don Cossack, led a major uprising against the nobility and the Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. People were unhappy about having to bear a heavy tax burden in the wars against Poland (1654-1667) and Sweden (1656-1658). With a group of peasants he assaulted the Tsar’s boats on the Volga and captured some fortresses in the region. He plundered northern Persia and created the Cossack republic in 1670. With his army, he attacked Astrakhan. He was defeated in Simbirsk and captured in Kagandink. Eventually he ended up tortured and quartered in Red Square in Moscow.
Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (1630-1671), Cossaco do Don, dirigiu grande sublevação contra a nobreza e Csar Alexis Mikhailovich. O povo estava descontente por suportar pesada carga fiscal nas guerras contra a Polónia (1654-1667) e Suécia (1656-1658). Com um grupo de camponeses assaltou lanchas do Csar no Volga e capturou fortalezas na região. Saqueou o norte da Pérsia. Criou a república Cossaca em 1670. Com o seu exército atacou Astracan. Derrotado em Simbirsk foi capturado em Kagandink. Acabou torturado e esquartejado na Praça Vermelha de Moscovo.
Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927)-'Stepan Razin on the Volga'-oil on canvas-1918 St Petersburgh-The Russian Museum
Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927)-'Stepan Razin'
Unknown (17th century)-'rebellion of Razin in Astrakhan at 17th century'-engraving-1681 (Les voyages de Jean Stuys, en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux Indes, & en plusieurs autres pays étrangers, La veuve J. van Meurs, Amsterdam, 1681)
Sergei Alexkseevich Kirillov (1960- )-'Razin on the outskirts of Simbirsk'-1986
Sergei Alexkseevich Kirillov (1960- )-'Razin is going: an étude for 'the execution of Razin'-1986
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