

Gallipoli campaign (1915)

“ANZAC Day” is celebrated on April 25 in Australia and New Zealand in honor of the thousands of soldiers killed in the Gallipoli campaign against the troops of the Ottoman Empire, in 1915 during the First World War. The Turkish commander was Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) (1881-1938), future president of the republic.

O 'dia ANZAC' celebra-se a 25 de abril na Austrália e Nova Zelândia em homenagem aos milhares de mortos da campanha de Gallipoli contra as tropas do Império Otomano em 1915, durante a primeira Guerra Mundial. O comandante turco era o tenente-coronel Mustafa kemal (Ataturk) (1881-1938), futuro presidente da República.

Charles Edward Dixon (1872-1934)-'the landing at Anzac, April 25, 1915'-oil on canvas

Lieutenant General Sir Carl Herman Jess (1884-1948)-'Australian infantry on fatigue at Gallipoli'-oil on canvas

Fred Leist (1878-1945)-'the taking of Lone Pine, August 6, 1915'-oil on canvas

George Lambert (1873-1930)-'Anzac, the landing, 1915'-oil on canvas   Canberra-National Gallery of Australia

George Lambert (1873-1930)-'the charge of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade at the Nek, August 7, 1915'-oil on canvas-1924

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