

Napoleon in Germany (1805-1813)

Napoleon attacked the city of Ulm during the 3rd alliance in 1805. After winning in Jena (4th alliance) he entered Berlin on 27 October 1806. In February 1807 he defeated the 4th alliance in Eylau. He returned in 1813 after the Russian campaign.

Napoleão atacou a cidade de Ulm na 3ª aliança em 1805. Após vencer em Jena (4ª aliança) entrou em Berlim a 27 de Outubro de 1806. Em Fevereiro de 1807 derrotou a 4ª aliança em Eylau. Regressou em 1813 depois da campanha da Rússia.

Vladimir Ivanovich Moshkov (1792-1839)-battle of Leipzig (October 16-19, 1913)-oil on canvas-1815

Antoine-Charles Horace Vernet (1758-1836) and Jacques François Swebach (1769-1825)-'battle of Jena (October 14, 1806)'-coloured lythograph

Charles Meynier (1768-1932)-'Napoleon in Brandenburg Tor'-oil on canvas-1810   Versailles-Musée National du Châteaux et des Trianons

Renée Theodore Berthon (1776-1859)-'battle of Ulm (October 16-19, 1805)-oil on canvas

Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1815-1891)-'battle of Friedland (June 14, 1807)-oil on canvas   New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Denis-Auguste-Marie Raffet (1804-1860)-'battle of Lützen (May 2, 1813)-oil on canvas

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