

Via Appia Antica, tomb of Cecilia Metella

During pagan times, the Romans treated the remains of their relatives in two ways: incineration or inhumation. In the latter case, they performed the burial out of town along the roads.

Os Romanos, durante a época pagã, tratavam de dois modos os restos mortais dos seus familiares: incineração ou inumação. Nesta segunda hipótese executavam o sepultamento fora da cidade ao longo da rede viária.

Ascan Lutteroth (1842-1923)-'tomb of Cecilia Metella in Via Appia antica'-oil on canvas-1876

Enrico Coleman (1846-1911)-'tomb of Cecilia Metella'-watercolor

Luigi Rossini (1790-1857)-'view of great tomb of Cecilia Metella'-engraving-1822

Jan Frans van Bloemen called Orizzonte (1662-1749)-'landscape with the tomb of Cecilia Metella'-oil on canvas

Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778)-'tomb of Cecilia Metella in Via Appia antica'-drawing

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