

Poseidon (Neptune)

Poseidon (Neptune), son of Cronus (Saturn), brother of Zeus (Jupiter) and Hades (Pluto), chose to live in the sea. He ran through it mounted on white horses and shaking his mighty trident. He married the Nereid Amphitrite. He had children by other women, including: Danaide Amimone; goddess Ceres and the Gorgon Medusa who gave him Pegasus.

Posídon (Neptuno), filho de Crono (Saturno), irmão de Zeus (Júpiter) e Hades (Plutão), escolheu o mar para viver. Percorria-o montado em cavalos brancos a agitar o seu poderoso tridente. Casou com a nereida Anfitrite. Teve filhos de outras mulheres, entre elas: danaide Amimone; deusa Ceres e gorgona Medusa que lhe deu Pégaso.

Unknown (2th century AD)-'triumph of Neptune with the Seasons in each corner and agricultural scenes and flora'-Roman mosaic   Tunis-Bardo National Museum (from Chebba)

John Singleton Copley (1738-1816)-'return of Neptune'-oil on canvas-1754

Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678)-'Neptune creating the horse'-oil on canvas-(1640-1650)   Firenze-Palazzo Pitti (Galleria Palatina)

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)-'triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite'-oil on canvas--1634   Philadelphia-Museum of Art

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770)-'Neptune offering gifts to Venice'-oil on canvas-(1748-1750)   Venezia-Palazzo Ducale

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