

Burning of Jan Hus at the stake (ca 1370-1415)

The theologian Jan Hus, a follower of the doctrine of John Wyclife of Oxford, in Bohemia, may be considered a precursor of Protestantism. Although excommunicated, in 1410 he attended the Council of Constance, whose aim was to put an end to the schism of Avignon. He was  condemned and burned alive on June 6, 1415.

O teólogo Jan Huss, seguidor na Boémia da doutrina de John Wyclife de Oxford, pode ser considerado um dos precursores do Protestantismo. Excomungado em 1410 compareceu no Concílio de Constança, destinado a terminar com o cisma de Avinhão, condenaram-no e queimaram-no vivo a 6 de Junho de 1415.

Alphons Maria Mucha (1860-1939)-'Jan Hus preaching at the Bethlehem chapel in Prague'-tempera on canvas-1916   Prague-Mucha Museum

Carl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880)-'Hussite sermon'-oil on canvas-1876   Berlin-Alte Nationalgalerie

Carl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880)-'Jan Hus at the Council of Constance'-oil on canvas-1842   Frankfurt am Main-Städelsches Kunstinstitutnund  Städlische Galerie

Wenzel von Brozik (1851-1901)-'the bishop of Concord reads the death sentence'-1883

Siebold Schiling the elder (ca 1445-1485)-'burning of Jan Hus at the stake'-illuistration   in Spiezer Chronik (1485)

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