

London Monuments by Thomas Shepherd (1793-1864)

The British painter Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864) dedicated himself to the detailed depiction of architectural aspects of several cities in Great-Britain, including London, Bristol and Edinburgh.

O pintor Britânico Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864) dedicou-se à execução pormenorizada da parte arquitectónica de várias cidades da Grã-Bretanha, nomeadamente Londres, Bristol e Edimburgo.

Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864)-'St Paul's cathedral'-steel engraving

Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864)-'Westminster Abbey'-steel engraving

Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864)-'the Tower of London from the Tower'-steel engraving

Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864)-'the Parliament House, from Old Palace Yard, Westminstert'-steel engraving

Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864)-'St James Palace, Pall Mall'-steel engraving

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this blog. I came across your blog while searching info on my recently bought london scenery paintings from a charity shop. Two out of 6 paintings look almost identical to what you have posted here (St. James's Palace & St. Paul's cathedral), but mine is slight different in colour (women's dress etc). I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find out more about the paintings, and perhaps other 19th century english painters/printers? I think these paintings amazing, as I live in london and I love seeing what was like over 150 years ago. Anyway, thank you again for your blog. I think they are well categorised and very interesting to look at.
