

Calydonian boar hunt

Artemis intended to destroy the region of Calydon because Oineus had ignored the goddess at the time of the first fruit offerings to the gods. In retaliation, she sent a giant boar or wild board. Meleager, the king's son, managed to kill the animal and, as a trophy, offered its skin to Atalanta.

Artémis teve a intenção de destruir a região da Calidónia por Oineus a ter ignorado na oferta dos primeiros frutos aos deuses. Para se vingar enviou um gigantesco javali ou porco-montês. Meleagros, filho do rei, conseguiu mata-lo e, como trofeu, ofereceu a sua pele a Atalanta.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)-'Calydonian boar hunt'-oil on canvas-(1611-1612)   Malibu-J. Paul Getty Museum

Naucratis or hunt painter-'Calydonian boar hunt'-laconian-(black-figure)-cup-ca 555 BC   Paris-Musée du Louvre (E 670)

Giulio Romano (1498-1546)-'Meleager and Atalanta'-engraving by Franc Loving-1773

Unknown-'hunt for the  Calydonian boar'-frieze   Oxford-Ashmolean Museum

Kleitias painter-'Calydonian boar hunt (detail)'-attic-(black-figure)-volute krater-(570-560 BC)   Firenze-Museo Archeologico Nazionale (vase François-Florence 4209)

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