

Andromeda and Perseus

King Cepheus, the father of Andromeda, tied her to a rock to be sacrificed to Ceto, a sea monster. Perseus, the legendary founder of Mycenae, released her after cutting the Medusa’s head. He used this head to eliminate Ceto and the Prince Agenor so that he could marry Andromeda, as it came to happen.

O rei Cefeu, pai de Andrómeda, amarrou-a a uma rocha para ser sacrificada a Ceto, monstro marinho. Perseu, lendário fundador de Micenas, libertou-a depois de cortar a cabeça a Medusa. Serviu-se desta cabeça para eliminar Ceto e o príncipe Agenor a fim de casar com Andrómeda, como aconteceu.

Piero di Cosimo (1462-1521)-'Perseus frreeing Andromeda'-oil on panel-ca 1513   Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Pierre Mignard (1612-1696)-'the king of Greece, Céphée, and the queen Cassiopé, thanks the hero Perseus for having delivered their daughter Andromeda, offered in sacrifice to a marine monster'-oil on canvas-1679   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Giorgio Vasari (1511-1570)-'Perseus and Andromeda'-oil on canvas   Firenze-Palazzo Vecchio

Charles André van Loo (1705-1765)-'Perseus and Andromeda'-oil on canvas-(1735-1740)   St Petersburg-Hermitage

Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898)-'Perseus cycle 7. The doom fulfilled'-oil on canvas-1888    Stuttgart-Staatsgalerie

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