

The Great Sphinx

The Great Pyramid of the Giza plateau, situated west of the Nile, is one of the largest carved stone blocks of the world. The existence of the material for the sculpture appears to be prior to construction of the temple. The work is due to Khufu (Jufu) or Khafre (Jafra) in the third millennium BC.

A grande pirâmide do planalto de Gizé, a Oeste do Nilo, encontra-se esculpida num dos maiores blocos de pedra do mundo. A existência do material da escultura parece ser anterior à construção do templo. A obra deve-se a Quéops (Jufu) ou Quéfren (Jafra) no III milénio aC.

David Roberts (1796-1884)-'the Great Sphinx, pyramids of Gizeh'-1839

Luigi Mayer (1755-1803)-'head of Great Sphinx'-watercolour (from 'views in ancient Egypt and Nubia, 1846'

Frederik Ludwig Norden (1708-1742)-'a profile of the colossal head of the Sphinx'   (Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie)

Louis François Cassas (1756-1877)-'view of the head of the Great Sphinx and the second pyramid'

Cornelis de Bruijn (1652-1727)-'the Great Sphinx of Giza'-1698   from 'Reizen van Cornelis de Bruijn door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia (1698)'

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