

Hunting on horseback by Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929)

Hunting on horseback, such as the scenes represented by the Russian painter Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929), was a recreation of noble or wealthy people. The poorest hunted on foot, many of them did it for survival.

As caçadas a cavalo, como as representadas pelo pintor Russo Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929), eram divertimento de gente nobre ou endinheirada. Os mais pobres caçavam a pé, muitos dos quais por motivos de sobrevivência.

Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929)-'the departure'-oil on panel   Private collection

Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929)-'the arrival'-oil on panel   Private collection

Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929)-'a hunting party ready for the off' -oil on panel  

Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929)-'elegant hunters on horseback'-oil on canvas

Wilhelm Velten (1847-1929)-'imperial hunting party'-oil on canvas

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