

Peregrine or Pilgrim Falcon (Falco Peregrinus)

The species Falco Peregrinus covers several subspecies. According to its etymology, the Latin name “falc” refers to the idea of a sickle attached to the beak. “Peregrinus” (pilgrim) means “someone who travels in a foreign land”. Jonathan Becker (1987) states that fossils of this kind, dating from the Miocene epoch (11.600 - 5.300 million years), were found in Cherevichnyina, Ukraine. To catch its prey, in nosedive, the Peregrine Falcon reaches a speed of around 325 km/h.

A espécie Falco peregrinus possui várias subespécies. A etimologia atribui ao nome latino falc, a ideia de foice ligada ao bico. Peregrinus significa 'que viaja em terra alheia'. Indica Jonathan Becker (1987) que em Cherevichnyina, na Ucrânia, encontraram fósseis deste género, datados da época Miocénica (11.600-5.300 milhões de anos). Em voo picado, para apanhar as presas, atinge velocidades da ordem dos 325 km/h.

Alexander Dmityrievich Litovchenko (1835-1890)-'Italian ambassador Calvucci drawing the favorite falcons of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich'-oil on canvas-1889   Kharkow (Ukraine)-Art Museum

Alberto Pasini (1826-1899)-'the falconers'-oil on canvas-1880

Limbourg Brothers (15th century)-'August. Falconry with the duc's. Château d'Étampes in the background'-miniature   Chantilly- Musée Condé (Ms 65- les très riches heure du duc de Berry or the very rich hours of the duke)

Anonymous (15th century)-'falconer with dog'-tapestry   Paris-Musée du Moyen-Âge (Cluny)

Anonymous (11th century)-'king William I and king Harold II of England. Hawking'-tapestry   Bayeux-Musée de la Tapisserie

Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (1864-1901)-'the falconer, comte Alphonse de Toulouse-Lautrec'-oil on board-1881   Musée Toulouse-Lautrec

Hans Makart (1840-1884)-'die Falkerin or the falconer'-oil on canvas-ca 1880   München-Neue Pinakothek

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