

Swizerland by Diebold Schilling the younger

The democratic constitutional republic called the Helvetic Confederation was formed in the year 1291. It endured several wars mentioned by Diebold Schilling, the younger (ca 1460-1515) in the “Luzerner Chronik” (1513).  Four languages​​ are spoken in the Swiss Cantons.

A república democrática constitucional denominada Confederação Helvética formou-se no ano de 1291. Suportou várias guerras mencionadas por Diebold Schilling the younger (ca 1460-1515) na “Luzerner Chronik” (1513). Nos diversos Cantões falam-se quatro línguas.

Diebold Schilling the younger (ca 1460-1515)-'battle of Tannenberg', Grunwald, Zalgiris (15th July, 1410)-miniature

Diebold Schilling the younger (ca 1460-1515)-'battle of Giornico (28th December 1478-Canton Ticino)'-miniature

Diebold Schilling the younger (ca 1460-1515)-'battle of Hard, near Bregenz (Austria) in Swabian war (February 20, 1499)'-miniature

Diebold Schilling the younger (ca 1460-1515)-'women and priests retriew the dead bodies of Swabian soldiers just outside the city gates of Constace after the battle of Schwaderlach, Triboltingen (April 11, 1499) '-miniature

Diebold Schilling the younger (ca 1460-1515)-'Swiss mercenaries crossing the Alps after de conquest of Cremona (1510)'-miniature

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