

Vatican City State

This city-state, a walled enclave of 44 acres located on the right bank of the Tiber, was established in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty. In its facilities are the headquarters of the Holy Apostolic See. It has gardens, museums, library, archive, and palaces.

Esta cidade-Estado, enclave muralhado de 44 hectares situado na margem direita do Tibre, ficou estabelecida em 1929 pelo Tratado de Latrão. Nas suas instalações encontra-se sediada a Santa Sé Apostólica. Possui jardins, museus, biblioteca, arquivo e palácios.

Viviano Codazzi (1604-1670)-'St Peter'-oil on canvas-ca1630   Madrid-Museo del Prado

Antonio Joli (ca 1700-1777)-'St Peter church and St Peter square'-oil on canvas    Private collection

Caspar Adrianszoon van Wittel (ca 1653-1736)-'view of St Peter's and Vatican seen from Prati di Castello'-oil on canvas        Private collection

Giovanni Paolo Pannini (1691-1765)-'interior of st Peter'-oil on canvas-1754   Washington-National Gallery of Art

George Cooke (1793-1844)-'interior of st Peter'-oil on canvas-1847

Ippolito Caffi (1809-1866)-'St Peter's and Vatican the Palace'-oil on canvas        Private collection

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