

Chess game by Alfonso X of Castille (1221-1284)

As son of Elizabeth of Hohenstaufen (or Swabian Beatriz), he aspired to reach the Imperial German throne. He faced rebellions, namely from the Moors and his son, successor on the throne. He lived his last months in the company of faithful friends. Surnamed as “the Wise”, he commissioned the illuminations for his “Book of Games” (ca 1280). The only known original is kept in the Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. His heart was buried in Mount Calvary in Jerusalem.

Filho de Isabel de Hohenstaufen (ou Beatriz da Suábia), aspirou ao trono Imperial Germânico. Enfrentou rebeliões: de Mouros e de seu filho e sucessor no trono. Viveu os últimos meses em companhia de amigos fiéis. Cognominado o Sábio, mandou executar as iluminuras do seu “Livro de Jogos” (ca 1280). O único original conhecido encontra-se guardado na Biblioteca do Mosteiro de San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Enterraram o seu coração no Monte Calvário em Jerusalém.

Unknown (13th century)-'sages bringing chess and a pair of dice games to a Persian king'-miniature-folio 2v

Unknown (13th century)-'the chess-board and pieces being made'-miniature-folio 3r

Unknown (13th century)-'the game of girls'-miniature-folio 5r

Unknown (13th century)-'(chess problem 10) two arabs'-miniature-folio 12r

Unknown (13th century)-'(chess problem 15) two noblemen instructing two boys and two servants'-miniature-folio 15r

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