

Chillon Castle

The Chillon Castle is located on the shore of Lake Geneva, about 3 km from Montreux, Switzerland. The oldest part dates from the 12th century. Representatives of the House of Savoy imprisoned monk François Bonivard in this fortress (1530-1536) for having incited the people to revolt against the Swiss leaders. This subject inspired Lord Byron to write the poem 'The Prisoner of Chillon' (1816).

O Castelo de Chillon situa-se no lago Léman a cerca de 3 km de Montreux. A parte mais antiga data do séc. XII. Os representantes da Casa de Sabóia encarceraram nesta fortaleza (1530-1536) o monge François de Bonivard por ter incitado o povo Suíço à revolta contra os seus dirigentes. Sobre este assunto Lord Byron elaborou o poema The prisoner of Chillon (1816).

Unknowm-'Schloss Chillon'-lithography-ca 1890

Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet (1819-1877)-'the castle of Chillon evening'-1872

Karl Heffner (1849-1925)-'Chillon castle on lake Geneva'-oil on panel   London-Victoria and Albert Museum

Philip Jacques de Louterbourg (1740-1812)-'Chillon castle'

Edwin Deakin (1838-1923)-'Dent du Midi (castle of Chillon, lake Geneva)-oil on canvas   Crocker (USA)-Art Museum

Franck-Edouard Lossier (1852-1921)-'the delivery of Bonivard'-1878

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