

Arctic scenes by William Bradford

Unlike William Bradford (1823-1892), few painters are dedicated to the representation of maritime issues, especially those related to icy regions of the Arctic and to their respective accidents.

Ao contrário de William Bradford (1823-1892), poucos pintores se dedicam à representação de temas marítimos, principalmente os relacionados com as regiões geladas do Ártico e seus acidentes.

William Bradford (1823-1892)-'trapped in the ice'-oil on canvas   Private collection 

William Bradford (1823-1892)-'icebound ship'-oil on canvas   Private collection

William Bradford (1823-1892)-'fishing boats and iceberg'-oil on canvas   Private collection 

William Bradford (1823-1892)-'crushed in the ice'-oil on canvas   Private collection

William Bradford (1823-1892)-'arctic harbor'-oil on canvas   Private collection

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