

Scenes of the history of Jews by Nicolas of Verdun

Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205) was one of the best artists who used the medieval technique of enamel painting. Some Old Testament paintings are integrated on a church altar in the outskirts of Vienna, Austria.

A técnica da pintura esmaltada medieval conheceu em Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205) um dos melhores artistas. As pinturas do Velho Testamento encontram-se integradas num altar duma igreja dos arredores de Viena de Áustria.

Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205)-'Eve hands Adam the apple; the snake is a crowned woman's head (Genesis 3, 1-5)'-enamel plaque-ca 1181   Klosterneuburg-Sammlungen des Stiftes

Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205)-'Jonas and the whale'-enamel plaque-ca 1181   Klosterneuburg-Sammlungen des Stiftes

Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205)-'king Solomon and the queen of Sheba'-enamel plaque-ca 1181   Klosterneuburg-Sammlungen des Stiftes

Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205)-'Aaron puts a golden jar with manna into the Covenant, as a reminder of the Israelists (Exodus 16, 32)'-enamel plaque-ca 1181   Klosterneuburg-Sammlungen des Stiftes

Nicolas de Verdun (1130-1205)-'the tenth plague of Egypt; the Israelists paint doorposts with the blood of the Easter lamb; the Angel stays the first born of the Egyptians'-enamel plaque-ca 1181 Klosterneuburg-Sammlungen des Stiftes

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