

Historic episodes by Jean Adrien Guignet

The painter Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854) devoted much of his work to historical facts of which he was not a contemporary.

O pintor Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854) dedicou muitas das suas obras a factos históricos de que não foi contemporâneo.

Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854)-'episode of retreat of the Ten-Thousads'-oil on canvas   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854)-'Cambyses and Psamtik'-oil on canvas-ca 1841

Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854)-'Châlons battle (Attila at the Catalaunian fields-1451)'-oil on canvas   Autun-Musée Rolin

Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854)-'Xerxes at the Hellespont'-oil on canvas Autun-Musée Rolin
Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854)-'Joseph explains the dream of the Pharaoh' -oil on canvas   Rouen-Musée des Beaux-Arts

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