

Medieval Hungarian history in Chronicon Pictum

The manuscript known as “Chronicon Pictum” (14th century) tells the medieval story of Hungary in 147 illuminations. There are copies in Budapest, in the Libraries of Szechenyi and in the Library of the University.

O manuscrito conhecido por Chronicon Pictum (14th century) relata a história medieval da Hungria em 147 iluminuras. Existem exemplares em Budapest nas Bibliotecas Szechenyi e na da Universidade

Chronicon Pictum (14th century)-'the arrival of Hungarians in Panmonia'-miniature (021)

Chronicon Pictum (14th century)-'St. Stephen's arrest Gyula of Transylvania'-miniature (040)

Chronicon Pictum (14th century)-'battle of Menfo (1044)-miniature (050)

Chronicon Pictum (14th century)-'the 1131 national meeting in Arad (Diet) -miniature (113)

Chronicon Pictum (14th century)-'the battle of Posada (November 9-12, 1330)-miniature 

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