The Tate Gallery began its activity as an entity for exhibitions of works of art under the name National Gallery of British Art
A Tate Gallery iniciou a sua atividade de entidade expositora de obras de arte com a designação de National Gallery of British Art.
British anonymous (17th century)-'the cholmondely sisters and their swadded babies-ca 1603
Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)-'the battle of Trafalgar, as seen from the mizen starboard of the Victory'-oil on canvas-1806

George Stubs (1724-1806)-'a lion attacking a horse'-oli on canvas-1770
John Martin (1789-1854)-'great day of his wrath or the end of the world'-oil on canvas-ca 1853
John Everett Milais (1829-1896)-'Ophelia'-oil on canvas-ca 1851
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