

Rome by Jean-Baptiste Lallemand

Part of the artistic work of the French painter Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803) relates to nooks and surroundings in Rome.

Parte da obra artística do pintor francês Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803) está relacionada com recantos de Roma e arredores.

Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803)-'the Forum with Arch of Constantine, peasants in the foreground'-oil on canvas

Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803)-'tomb of Cecilia Metella'-oil on canvas

Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803)-'the bath of Caracalla'-oil on canvas

Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803)-'view of the ponte Emilio
(Rotto)'-oil on canvas

Jean-Baptiste Lallemand (1716-1803)-'pyramid of Caius Cestius at Rome'-oil on canvas

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