


The word derives from the Greek, meaning shelter or workshop. The tavern became a place of entertainment, business and where people had alcoholic drinks and small meals.

Deriva do grego onde significava abrigo ou oficina. Tornou-se local de divertimentos, negócios e onde se tomavam bebidas alcoólicas e pequenas refeições.

Luis Ricardo Falero, duke of Labranzano (1851-1896)-'the party at a tavern'-oil on canvas-1880

Bertulan de Karlovsky (1858-1939)-'in the tavern'-oil on panel-1883    Private collection

John Cawse (1779-1869)-'a soldier relating his exploits in a tavern'-oil on panel-1821

Randolph Caldecott (1846-1886)-'tavern scene in Finitère, Brittany, France'-oil on canvas-1878    Ludlow (UK)-Library and Museum

Fyodor Bronnikov (1827-1902)-'the Italian tavern'-1858

Frans Lebret (1820-1909)-'tavern interior'-oil on canvas

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