

Biblical murder: Jael and Sisera

In the 16th and 17th centuries several painters used Sisera's death by Jael as a homicide motif.

Nos séculos XVI e XVII vários pintores utilizaram como tema de homicídio a morte de Sisera por Jael.

Felice Ficherelli (1605-1660)-‘Yael and Sisera (she nailed a stake through his head)’

Domenico Guidobono (1668-1746)-‘Jael and Sisera’ Torino (Palazzo Madama)-Museo Civico d’Arte Antica

James Northcote (1746-1831)-‘Jael and Sisera’-oil on canvas-1787 London-Royal Academy of Arts

Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1652)-‘Jael killing the warlord Sisera’

Jacopo Negretti aka Palma il Giovane (1550-1628)-‘Yael killing Sisera’

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