

Old Spain by Eugenio Lucas y Villamil

This is the Spanish artist Eugenio Lucas y Villamil’s (1858-1918) view on his country at his time.

Eis a visão do espanhol Eugenio Lucas y Villamil (1858-1918) da vida do seu país na época em que viveu.

Eugenio Lucas y Villamil (1858-1918)-‘the Plaza de toros’

Eugenio Lucas y Villamil (1858-1918)-‘off the Plaza de toros’

Eugenio Lucas y Villamil (1858-1918)-’greeting’

Eugenio Lucas y Villamil (1858-1918)-‘arriving at the theatre on a night of masque ball’

Eugenio Lucas y Villamil (1858-1918)-‘chaparron the rain shower’

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