
Matar a sede com água da fonte (at the fountain)

Antes das casas das cidades e aldeias terem água canalizada os habitantes das mesmas abasteciam-se de fontes ou de poços. Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) dedicou parte da sua obra a pintar este tipo de actividade tipicamente feminina, na masculina o transporte da água fazia-se com animais.

Before the houses of the cities and villages have piped water dwellers they stocked up springs or wells. Léon l'Hermitte-August (1844-1925) devoted part of his work to paint this type of activity typically female in the male water transport was with animals

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'at the fountain'-oil on canvas-1895 Private collection

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'at the fountain'-oil on canvas-ca 1914

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'a water drawer'-oil on canvas

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'woman filling her basket at the well'-oil on canvas

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'at the well'-oil on canvas



Conjunto megalítico da idade do Bronze (ca 3100 aC) localizado na planície de Salisbury (Wiltshire). Constituem-no diversas pedras de 5 metros de altura e 50 toneladas de peso dispostas em círculos concêntricos. A sua laboração está calculada em 30 milhões de horas. Continua desconhecida a sua origem e funções.

Set of megalithic Bronze Age (ca. 3100 BC) located on Salisbury Plain (Wiltshire). Constitute the various stones five meters high and 50 tons in weight arranged in concentric circles. In its operations is estimated at 30 million hours. Their origin remains unknown and functions.

Unknown-'a giant helps Merlin build Stonehenge' London-British Library (Ms Egerton 3028, folio 30r-Wace; Roman de Brut)

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)-'Stonhenge'-oil on canvas-1833

Unknown-'Stonehenge'-1649 Wittonis sive comitatus Wiltonensis (Atlas van Loon)

John Constable (1776-1837)-'Stonhenge'-oil on canvas-1835 London-Victoria and Albert Museum

Nathaniel Whittoc (1791-1850)-'Druids sacrificing to the sun in their temple called Stonehenge'-engraving based in Dr. Stuckley Oxford-Ashmolean Museum


Mesquitas (Mosques)

O pintor americano Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903) deixou numerosa documentação como orientalista. Pintou o exterior de várias Mesquitas em África e na Índia (Nova Deli) e o interior da existente em Córdova.

The American painter Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903) left numerous documents as Orientalist. He painted the outside several mosques in Africa and India (New Delhi) and the interior of existing in Cordoba (Spain).

Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)-'before a Mosque'-oil on canvas 1883

Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)-'figures on the courtyard of a Mosque'- oil on canvas-(1893-1895)

Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)-'interior of the Mosque at Cordova'- oil on canvas-(1880-1890) Baltimore-Walters Art Gallery

Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)-'entering the Mosque'-oil on canvas-ca 1885 Private collection

Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)-'Great Mogul and his court returning from the Great Mosque at Delhi, India'-oil on canvas-ca 1886 Private collection


Costumes dos nativos dos EUA (Habits of native U.S.)

Um grupo de artistas plásticos americanos dos séc. XIX e XX deixou importante documentação pictórica sobre o modo de viver das populações nativas dos EUA, nomeadamente dos Taos.

A group of American artists of the Nineteenth and twentieth centuries made important pictorial documentation on how to live on native populations of the U.S., including the Taos.

Ernest L. Blumenschein (1874-1960)-'superstition'-oil on canvas-1911

Franz Tenney Johnson (1874-1939)-'sheep herder'-oil on canvas

Joseph Henry Sharp (1859-1953)-'shelling corn'-oil on canvas

Eanger Irving Couse (1866-1936)-'potery decorator'-oil on canvas-ca 1898 Private collection

Joseph Henry Sharp (1859-1953)-'setting in camp of Little Big Horn. Montana'-oil on canvas Madrid-Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza


Beleza das mulheres de etnia cigana (beauty of Roma women)

Fala-se imenso em integração social, mas os elementos desta comunidade, dispersa pela Europa, salvo raras excepções devidas ao seu valor artístico, continuam perseguidos, humilhados e marginalizados cultural e civicamente. Vários pintores de diversas épocas e regiões mostraram a beleza das mulheres do Povo Rom.

We talk a lot about social integration, but the elements of this community, scattered across Europe, with few exceptions due to its artistic value, are still being persecuted, humiliated and marginalized culturally and civically. Several artists from various eras and regions showed the beauty of women of the People Rom.

Boccaccio Boccaccino (1486-1525)-'Gypsy girl'-oil on canvas Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Frans Hals (ca 1580-1666)-'Gypsy girl'-oil on wood-(1628-1630) Paris-Musée du Louvre

Orest Kiprensky (1782-1836)-'a Gypsy with a branch of myrtle'-oil on wood-1819 Moscow-Tretyakov Gallery

Pierre Auguste Cot (1837-1883)-'the Bohemian'-oil on canvas-1871 Private collection

Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta (1841-1920)-'a Gypsy'-oil on canvas Madrid-Museo del Prado


Banquetes bíblicos (Biblical banquets)

Como sempre acontece em qualquer civilização e em situação, o povo come mal, os dirigentes banqueteiam-se.

As always happens in any situation and civilization, the people eat poorly, the leaders feast itself.

Frans Francken II (1581-1642)-'feast of Esther'-oil on copper Prague-Národni Galerie

Paolo Caliari or Veronese (1528-1588)-'feast in the house of Simon'-oil on canvas-ca 1560 Torino-Galleria Sabauda

Jacopo del Sellaio (ca 1442-1495)-'banquet of the king Ahasuerus'-oil on canvas Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Fra Filippo Lippi (1406-1469)-'Herod's banquet'-fresco-(1455-1465) Prato-Duomo

Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494)-'Herod's banquet'-fresco-(1486-1490) Firenze-Basilica di Santa Maria Novella (Cappella Tornabuoni)


Idílio (Idyll)

Tinha na Grécia e em Roma o sentido literário de bucólico ou pastoril relacionado com poemas campestres ou écoglas. Estes tinham carácter amoroso de curta duração e versavam o amor poético da juventude. Alguns pintores fixaram o tema em imagens.

He was in Greece and Rome the literary sense of bucolic or pastoral poems related to grassland or écoglas. These were short-lived nature loving and mentored the idyll of youth. Some painters have set the theme in images.

Henrik Hector Siemeradzki (1843-1902)-'by a temple (idyll)'-oil on canvas-1881 Kiev (Ukraine)-The Museum of Russian Art

George Washigton Thomas Lambert (1876-1930)-'a bush idyll'-oil on canvas-ca 1896 Sydney-Art Gallery of New South Walles

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918)-'idyll'-oil on canvas Wien-Historisches Museum der Stadt

François Boucher (1703-1790)-'shepherd's idyll'-oil on canvas New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Lord Frederick Leighton (1830-1896)-'idyll'-oil on canvas-1881


Toledo (Spain)

A povoação romana de Toletum pertencia á Província Tarraconensis. Os romanos deixaram um teatro e a ponte de Alcântara sobre o rio Tejo. Tornou-se capital do Reino Visigótico. Prosperou durante a administração do Califado de Córdova. O seu Alcázar tornou-se Academia Militar. A Catedral (1226-1493) seguiu o plano da francesa edificada em Bourges.

The village belonged to the Roman Province Toletum Tarraconensis. The Romans left a theater and Alcantara point over the River Tagus. It became the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom. Prospered during the administration of the Caliphate of Cordoba. Its Alcázar became the Military Academy. The Cathedral (1226-1493) followed the plan of the French built in Bourges.

Anonimous-'Civitas toletana'-miniature in Códice Conciliorum Albeldense seu Vigilanus (976)

El Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos) (1541-1614)-'Toledo'-oil on canvas-(1596-1600) New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

El Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos) (1541-1614)-'Toledo'-oil on canvas-ca 1608 Toledo-Museo del Greco

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923)-'the blind man of Toledo'-oil on canvas-1906

John Thomas Rigby (1922- )-'Toledo'-oil on canvas


Inferno pagão (pagan hellfire)

Na antiga Grécia era Hades o deus dos Infernos. Habitava o mundo subterrâneo, lugar destinado às 'sombras' das pessoas falecidas. Caronte era o barqueiro que as transportava através do rio Estige, depois destes lhe pagarem um óbulo. Cerberus, o cão de três cabeças, guardava o local. Homero (Ilíada, IX, 158-159) indica que o senhor implacável da morte era o deus mais odiado pelos mortais.

In ancient Greece Hades was the god of the underworld. Dwelt in the underworld, the place for 'shadows' of deceased persons. Charon was the ferryman who transported across the river Styx, then these will pay a Pence. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, guarded the site. Homer (Iliad, IX, 158-159) indicates that the ruthless lord of death was the god most hated by mortals

Eagle painter-'side A-Heracles, Cerberus and Eurystheus'-hydria-Caere-(blck-figure)-ca 525 BC Paris-Musée du Louvre (E 701)

Underworld vase painter-'Hades and Persephone in their palace in the underworld'-(volute-krater)-(red-figure)-Canossa-330 BC München-Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek (3234)

Joachim Patinir (1485-1524)-'crossing the Stix'-oil on panel Madrid-Museo del Prado

Luca Giordano (1634-1705)-'Charon, Cerberus, Morpheus, Prometheus'-fresco-(1684-1686) Firenze-Palazzo Medici-Riccardi

Alexander Dmitrievich Litovchenko (1835-1890)-'Charon cames soules across the river Stix'-oil on canvas St Petersbourg-Hermitage


Jogar bilhar (the billiard game)

Aparece mencionado nas 'Confissões' de Santo Agostinho e na tragédia 'Antonio e Cleópatra' de William Shakespeare. Este jogo, também chamado bilhar francês, necessita vários utensílios: uma mesa sem buracos, coberta de pano verde e bordas elásticas denominadas tabelas; duas bolas brancas e uma vermelha (no passado de marfim, actualmente sintéticas); tacos de madeira. Os jogadores empurram uma das bolas brancas que deve carambolar nas outras duas, com utilização de uma ou três tabelas. Esteve muito em voga no séc XIX e I metade do séc. XX. Havia mesas em clubes recreativos, cafés e salas destinadas exclusivamente a este jogo de perícia.

Appears mentioned in the 'Confessions' of St. Augustine and tragedy' Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare. This game, also called French Billiards need several tools: a table without holes, covered with green cloth and elastic edges called tables, two white balls and one red (the month of ivory, now synthetic); parquet. The players push a cue balls that should carom in the other two, using one or three tables. Was very much in vogue in the nineteenth century, and I half 20th century. There were tables in recreational clubs, cafés and rooms intended solely for this game of skill.

Vincent Willem van Gogh (1858-1890)-'the night cafe in the Place Lamartine in Arles'-oil on canvas-ca 1889 New Haven (Connecticut)-Yale University Art Gallery

Jean Beraud (1849-1935)-'the billiard game'-oil on panel Private collection

Eugène-Henri-Paul Gauguin (1848-1903)-''the night café at Arles (portrait of Mme Ginoux)'-oil on canvas-1888 Moscow-Pushkin Museum

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas (1843-1917)-'the billiard room at Menil-Hubert'-oil on canvas-1892

Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin (1699-1779)-'game of billiards'-oil on canvas-(1721-1725) Paris-Musée Carnavalet