
Argonautas (Argo sailors or Argonauts)

Ao atingir a maioridade Jasão, exilado na Tessália onde vivia com o Centauro Quiron, reclamou o trono de Éson, seu pai. Seu tio Pélia, no poder, enviou-o à Cólquida (Geórgia) à procura do 'velo de oiro'. Partiu com vários companheiros no navio Argo e foi bem sucedido. Isaac Newton calculou que a viagem se terá efectuado no ano 939 aC.

Upon reaching adulthood Jason, exiled in Thessaly where he lived with the Centaur Chiron, claimed the throne of Aeson, his father. His uncle Pelias, in power, sent him to Colchis (Georgia) in search of the 'golden fleece'. Jason left with several companions in the ship Argo and was successful. Isaac Newton estimated that the trip must have been accomplished in the year 939 BC.

Underworld painter-'Jason bringing Pelias the golden fleece'-(red-figure)-calix krater-apulian-(340-330 BC) Paris-Musée du Louvre (K 127)

Douris-'Jason being regurgitated by the snake who kips the golden fleece'-(red-figure)-cup-Cerveteri-(480-470 BC) Città del Vaticano-Museo Gregoriano Etrusco

Lorenzo Costa (ca 1460-1535)-'Argo'-tempera on wood-ca 1530 Padova-Museo Civico

Biagio d'Antonio da Firenze (1446-1516)-'scenes from the story of the Argonauts'-ca 1465 New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Master of the Argonauts (15th century)-'scenes from the story of the Argonauts'-ca 1465 New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art


Pintura chinesa (Chinese painting)

A pintura dos artistas plásticos da China pertence à cultura milenar deste imenso e importante país do Extremo Oriente. Tem identidade muito própria quer a nível asiático, quer ocidental.

The painting by Chinese plastic artists is part of the millenary culture of this huge and important Far East country. It has a very unique identity when compared to the Western or Asian worlds.

Anonymous (1-3th century)-'two gentlemen engrossed in conversation while two other look on'-painting on a ceramic tile from a tomb

Chou Fang (8th century)-'women in the game'

Chang-Sheng-Wen (12th century)-'teaching of Sakyamuni Budha'-ink on silk-1173-1176

Ma Lin (13th century)-'the wind in the pines, listening'-ink on silk-1246 Taiwan-Palace collection

Li Shan (18th century)-'pine. three stones and wisteria'


Danúbio (Danube) (Donau)

O Danúbio é o segundo maior rio da Europa (ca 3.000 km). Nasceu na Alemanha (Floresta Negra) próximo do lago Constança e desagua por delta no Mar Negro. Passa pelas capitais de vários países europeus: Viena (Áustria), Bratislava (Eslováquia), Budapeste (Hungria), Belgrado (Sérvia). Os romanos conheceram-no por Danubius. O Imperador Marco Aurélio (séc. II) terá morrido nos arredores de Vindobona (Viena) no campo militar de Carnuntum, destinado à defesa das invasões bárbaras. Continua a ser importante via para transporte de pessoas e mercadorias.

The Danube is the second largest river in Europe (ca 3000 km). It starts in Germany (Black Forest) near Lake Constance and flows into the Black Sea, in a delta. It passes through several European capitals: Vienna (Austria), Bratislava (Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary), Belgrade (Serbia). For the Romans it was the Danubius. Emperor Marcus Aurelius (2nd century) is said to have died somewhere in Vindobona (Vienna) in the military field of Carnuntum, intended for the defense against barbarian invasions. It is still a major route for the transport of people and goods.

Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538)-'Danube landscape near Regensberg'-oil on wood-ca 1522 München-Alte Pinakothek

Georg Raphael Donner (1693-1749)-'Danube well'-sculpture-(1737-1739) Wien-Österreischiche Galerie Belvedere

Johann Heinrich Füssli (1741-1825)-'Hagen and the nymphs of the Danube'-graphite, pen and brown ink, watercolour and gouache on cream wove paper-1802 Private collection

Jakob Alt (1789-1872)-'the monastery of Melk on the Danube'-oil on canvas-1845 Winterthur-Oskar Reinhart collection

Egon Schiele (1890-1918)-'Stein an der Donau with terraced vineyards'-oil on canvas Private collection


Roma vista por Corot (Rome seen by Corot)

O pintor francês Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872), filho de abastado comerciante estudou em Ruão. Nos anos de 1825-1828 permaneceu em Roma. Nesta cidade pintou o Coliseu, o Castelo de Santo Ângelo e a igreja da Santissima Trinità dei Monti, cuja construção fora iniciada em 1502 pelo rei Luís XII de França para celebrar a invasão de Nápoles.

The French painter Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872), son of a wealthy merchant, studied in Rouen. During the years 1825-1828 he stayed in Rome. In this city he painted the Colosseum, the Castel of Sant'Angelo and the church of Santissima Trinità dei Monti, whose construction was initiated in 1502 by King Louis XII of France to celebrate the invasion of Naples.

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872)-'the Colosseum: view from the Farnese gardens'-oil on paper mounted on canvas-1826 Paris-Musée du Louvre

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872)-'castle of Sant'Angelo'-oil on paper mounted on canvas Lille-Musée des Beaux-Arts

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872)-'Basilica of Constantine'-oil on canvas

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872)-'view of the Mount Pincio and the Church of Trinità dei Monti seen from the garden of the French Academy'-oil on canvas-(1826-1828) Paris-Musée du Louvre

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1872)-'view of the Tiber from the Ponte Rotto to the Isola Tiberina with the Monastery of S. Bartlomeo'-oil on paper laid canvas


Guerras Greco-Persas (Greco-Persian wars)

Na 1ª Guerra ocorreu a 'batalha de Maratona' (Setembro de 490 aC). Conta Heródoto (séc. V aC) que os Gregos venceram os Persas de Dario I ao impedirem o ataque da cavalaria Persa. Milcíades terá enviado Fidipides a Atenas, o qual depois de percorrer os 42 km, gritou 'vencemos!' e caíu morto de cansaço. Da II Guerra destaca-se a batalha do desfiladeiro das 'Termópilas'. Indica Dionísio de Halicarnasso (séc. I aC) que se realizou no verão de 480 aC. Cerca de 300 Espartanos comandados pelo rei Leónidas lutaram contra milhares de Persa e foram vencidos. O 'combate naval de Salamina' teve lugar a 20 de Setembro de 480 aC. Xerxes derrotado por Temístocles partiu para a Ásia Menor.

The 'Battle of Marathon' took place in War I (September 490 BC). According to Herodotus (5th century BC) the Greeks defeated the Persians of Darius I because they prevented the attack of the Persian cavalry. Miltiades sent Phidipides to Athens, who after covering the 42 km, shouted "we won!" and fell tired to death. War II is famous for the battle of the gorge of 'Thermopylae'. Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Ist century BC) refers it was held in the summer of 480 BC. About 300 Spartans led by King Leonidas fought against thousands of Persian and were beaten. The 'naval battle of Salamis' took place on 20 September 480 BC. Xerxes defeated by Themistocles left to Asia Minor.

Brian Palmer-'battle of Marathon'-oil on canvas

Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)-'the battle of Thermopylae'-oil on canvas-1814 Paris-Musée du Louvre

Howard David Johnson (1954- )-'the battle of Thermopylae'-oil on canvas

Fernand-Anne Piestre Cormon (1834-1874)-'the victory of Salamis'-oil on canvas

Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805-1874)-'the sea battle near Salamis'-oil on canvas-1868 München-Senatsaal


Moisés salvo das águas (1592-1472 aC) (The finding of Moses) ('Pharaos tochter-Die Auffindung Moses')

O Livro do Êxodo informa que Temutis, filha do Faraó Set, encontrou Moisés ao banhar-se no Nilo. Adoptou-o e educou-o como filho. Aos 40 anos (1552 aC), depois de assassinar um feitor, parte para o exílio. Instala-se próximo do golfo de Acaba e casa com Séfora. Depois de várias provações e privações conduz o seu povo a Canaã, a Terra Prometida. A tradição Judaico-Cristã atribui-lhe os primeiros cinco livros do Antigo Testamento. Os Muçulmanos consideram Musa (Moisés) um grande Profeta.

The Book of Exodus states that Temutis, daughter of the Pharaoh Set, met Moses while bathing on the Nile. She adopted him and raised him as a son. When he was 40 (1552 BC), after murdering a taskmaster, he left for the exile. He settled near the Gulf of Aqaba and marries Zipporah. After many trials and hardships he leads his people to Canaan, the Promised Land. The Judeo-Christian tradition ascribes the first five books of the Old Testament to him. Muslims consider Musa (Moses) a great prophet.

Paolo Caliari or Veronese (1528-1588)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-(1570-1575) Wien-Kunsthistorisches Museum Gemäldegalerie

Orazio Gentileschi (1563-1639)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-ca 1630 Madrid-Museo del Prado

Charles de La Fosse (1630-1716)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-(1675-1680) Paris-Musée du Louvre

Edwin Longsden Long (1829-1891)-'Pharaos tochter-Die Auffindung Moses' 'Pharaoh's daughter-the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-1886 Bristol-City of Bristol Museums

Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-1904 Private collection


Leda e o cisne (Leda and the swan)

Leda teria sido rainha de Esparta e mulher de Tíndaro. Zeus metamorfoseou-se em cisne e seduziu-a. O resultado do acasalamento foram dois ovos que chocou. Deles nasceram: Clitemnestra, Helena, Castor, Póllux.

Leda is said to have been queen of Sparta and Tyndareus’ wife. Zeus metamorphosed into a swan and seduced her. The result of the mating were two hatched eggs; from them issued Clytemnestra, Helen, Castor and Pollux.

Timotheus-'Leda and the swan'-sculpture (roman copy) Madrid-Museo del Prado

Unknown-'Leda and the swan'-mosaic-3rd century AD Nicosia-Cyprus Museum (from Palea Paphos-santuary of Aphrodite)

Jacopo Carucci or Pontormo (1494-1556)-'Leda and the swan'-tempera on wood-ca 1515 Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Francesco Meltzy (ca 1491-1570) after of the lost Leonardo original -'Leda and the swan' Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Gustave Moreau (1826-1908)-'Leda and the swan'-oil on canvas-(1865-1875) Paris-Musée Gustave Moreau


Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

Todas as figuras públicas procuram valorizar a sua imagem física e intelectual. Na prisão escreveu 'A Minha Luta', onde revelou todo o seu pensamento. No ano de 1937 criou o Museu Oficial da Arte Nazi à frente do qual colocou Adolf Ziegler (1882-1968). Nomeou Heinrich Knirr (1862-1944) como seu pintor oficial. As pinturas de 1937 a 1942 permitem avaliar o seu desgaste físico e psicológico.

All public figures seek to enhance their physical and intellectual image. In prison he wrote 'My Struggle’, where he revealed all his ideas. In 1937 he created the Official Museum of Nazi Art, setting Adolf Ziegler as its manager (1882-1968). Heinrich Knirr was appointed Hitler’s official painter. The paintings from 1937 to 1942 allow us to assess his physical and psychological decline.

Heinrich Knirr (1862-1944)-'Hitler. Creator of the Third Reich and Renewer of Germany'-1937

Hugo Lehmann-'the Führer'-1938

Conrad Hommel (1883-1971)-'Führer to the Empire Grödeutschen'-1939

Conrad Hommel (1883-1971)-'Führer and the Lider of the Supreme Befehshaber der Wermacht'-1940

Franz Triebsch (1870-1958)-'Bildnis des Führers' 'portrait of the Führer'-1941

Rudolf G. Zill (1866-1958)-'Bildnis des Führers' 'portrait of the Führer'-1942


Eneias abandona Tróia (Aeneas leaves Troy)

Seria filho do mortal Anquises e de Afrodite. Homero conta na Ilíada a sua versão da vida de Eneias em Tróia. Sua mãe salvou-o ao ser ferido por Diomedes e Poseidão evitou a sua derrota por Aquiles. Fugiu da sua cidade após o incêndio. Virgílio dedicou-lhe o poema 'Eneida' como fundador de Roma. Percorreu diversos locais do Mediterrâneo. Conviveu com a rainha Dido em Cartago.

He is said to be the son of Anchises and Aphrodite. In the Iliad Homer tells his version of Aeneas’ life in Troy. His mother saved him when he was wounded by Diomedes and Poseidon prevented him from being defeated by Achilles. He fled his city after the fire. Virgil dedicated the poem "Aeneid" to Aeneas, considered the founder of Rome. He toured several places in the Mediterranean. He lived with Queen Dido in Carthage.

Painter of Louvre F 118-'Aeneas carrying Anchises'-oinochoe-(black-figure)-(520-510 BC) Paris-Musée du Louvre (F 118)

Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520)-'the fire in the Borgo ('Aeneas carrying Anchises')'-fresco-1514 Città del Vaticano-Palazzi Pontifici (stanza dell'incendio di Borgo)

Federico Barocci (ca 1526-1618)-'Aeneas flees burning Troy'-oil on canvas-1598' Roma-Galleria Borghese

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)-'Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius'-statue-marble-1618 Roma-Galleria Borghese

Charles-André or Carle van Loo (1705-1765)-'Aeneas carrying Anchises'-oil on canvas-1729 Paris-Musée du Louvre


Tigres indianos (Indian tigers)

O pintor Austríaco Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932) assinalou a presença dos tigres indianos em várias situações.

The Austrian painter Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932) pointed out the presence of Indian tigers in various situations.

Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932)-'awaiting the tiger'-oil on panel Private collection

Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932)-'the return from the tiger hunt'-oil on panel-1898 Private collection

Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932)-'Salome and the tigers'-oil on panel Private collection

Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932)-'the Pashas favourite tigers'-oil on panel Private collection

Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932)-'Arabe Prince'-oil on panel Private collection