
German God Thor (Tor Deus Germânico)

In Norse mythology the gods were mortal, but under certain conditions, they could turn immortal, for example, eating Idun’s apples, kept in an ash-tree ark. They fought for the pleasure of fighting. The warriors who were killed in combat were placed in the Valhalla or the Elects’ Room.

Na mitologia nórdica os deuses eram mortais mas, em certas condições, podiam deixar de o ser: comer as maçãs de Idun guardadas em arca de madeira de freixo. Combatiam pelo prazer da luta. Os guerreiros mortos em combate tinham lugar no Valhala ou Sala dos Eleitos.

Marten Eskil Winge (1825-1896)-'Thor's battle with the Eltins'-1872

Lorenz Frolich (1820-1908)-'Thor wades river while the rest of the Aesir ride across the bridge Bilfröst'-drawing

Lorenz Frolich (1820-1908)-'Loki leaves the hall and threatens the Aesir with fire, as told in Lokasenna. Thor stand to the right, brandishing his hammer'-drawing

William Gershom Collingwood (1854-1932)-'Thor and Pruor holds and the dwarf Alviss has turned to stone'-drawing

Olaus Magnus (1490-1557)-'Frigg with sword and bow (left), Thor with crown and spire sitting on a throne, Odin (right)'-drawing

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