
Expulsion of the Moorish (1613)

The kings of Spain conquered the kingdom of Granada in 1492. By royal determination the Moors were forced to convert to Catholicism from 1519 to 1526. These new Christians were designated as Moorish. There were renegades from both sides. There were several uprisings fomented by the Ottomans in the time of Philip II. Philip III ordered the Moorish expulsion from Valencia to Oran in 1613.

Os reis de Espanha conquistaram o reino de Granada em 1492. Por determinação real foram os Mouros forçados a converter-se ao catolicismo entre 1519 e 1526. Estes Cristãos-novos receberam a designação de Mouriscos. Havia renegados de ambos os lados. Houve várias sublevações no tempo de Filipe II fomentadas pelos Otomanos. Filipe III determinou dos Mouriscos expulsão de Valência para Oran em 1613.
Jacinto Rodríguez Espinosa (1562-1642)-'insurrection in Vall de Gallinera or Laguar'-oil on canvas-1613

Pere Oromig-'Moriscos in the Grao de Valencia embarkation'-oil on canvas-1613

Pere Oromig and Francisco Peralta-'the expulsion in Vinaros'-oil on canvas-1613

Vincente Mestre-'expulsion of the Moriscos at the port of Dénia'-oil on canvas-1613

Vincente Mestre-'disembarking of the Moriscos at Oran port' oil on canvas-1613

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