
Coptic Cairo (Cairo Copta)

The Coptic Orthodox Church was established in Egypt by St. Mark the Apostle around the year 60 AD. It keeps independent from the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Its Pope is elected by the synod. The Copts speak the old Egyptian language. There are approximately 16 million Copts, of which 8 million to 12 million live in Egypt.

A Igreja Ortodoxa Copta teria sido instituída no Egipto pelo Apóstolo São Marcos cerca do ano 60 AD. Mantém-se independente das Igrejas Ortodoxa e Católica. Elege o seu Papa em Sínodo. Os coptas falam a antiga língua Egípcia. Serão aproximadamente 16 milhões dos quais 8 a 12 milhões no Egipto.

John Frederick Lewis (1805-1876)-'the hoch (courtyard) of the house of the Coptic Patriarch. Cairo'-oil on wood-1864

Unknown-'entrance Cairo-Coptic aerea. Hanging Church'

Unknown-'Holy Family traveling'-mosaic mural Cairo-Coptic aerea. Hanging Church courtyard

Unknown-'religious paintings' Cairo-Coptic aerea. Church al-Muallaqa (Virgin Mary)

Unknown-'religious paintings' Cairo-Coptic aerea. Church La Sopesa

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