
Medieval art (Arte medieval)

Medieval religious or profane works of art, both sculptures as illuminations, are artistically very valuable. There are a lot of books with exquisite illuminations, which enable us to assess the kind of life led by urban and rural societies.

Existe grande riqueza artística nas obras medievais de carácter religioso ou profano tanto a nível de escultura como de iluminuras. Conhecem-se imensos livros com belíssimas iluminuras, pelas quais se pode avaliar o tipo de vida das sociedades urbana e rural.

Unknown (14th century)-'courtly scenes'-mirror case-ivory relief Paris-Musée du Louvre (Department des Arts Decoratives- MMR 197)

Unknown-'the presiding consul Areobindus games'-leaf of a diptych-ivory relief-Constantinople-506 AD Paris-Musée National du Moyen Âge (Cluny)

Unknown (7th century)-'votive crown of Visigoth king Reccesuinth'-gold and precious stones Madrid-Museo Nacional de Arqueologia (Treasure of Guarrazar)

Unknown (12th century)-'dragon slayer'-miniature Dijon-Bibliothèque Municipale (ms St Gregory's Moralia in Job)

Master de l'Échenivage (15th century)-'reconstitution of the Temple of Jerusalem'-miniature Paris-Bibliothèque National de France (ms Fr 2629, folio 17-William of Tyre; Histoire d'Outremer

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