Music by Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660)
The painter Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660) belonged to the so-called “golden age” period of Dutch painting. She portrayed musical motifs with fun characters.
A pintora Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660) pertenceu ao período denominado 'idade de ouro' da pintura Holandesa. Representou motivos musicais com personagens divertidas.
Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660)-'merry company'-oil on canvas-1630 Private collection
Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660)-'music making company'-oil on canvas-1633 Private collection
Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660)-'young flute player'-oil on canvas-1635 Stockholm-National Museum
Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660)-'serenade'-1629 Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum
Judith Jans Leyster (1609-1660)-'merry (carousing) couple'-oil on canvas-1630 Paris-Musée du Louvre
Due to the presence of several alkaloids, the juice produced by the capsules of the “poppy joy” was used for medical or recreational purposes. Once dry, when smoked or chewed, it causes euphoria followed by oneiric sleep.
Devido à presença de vários alcalóides empregam o suco produzido pelas cápsulas das 'papoilas da alegria' com fins médicos ou recreativos. Depois de seco, quando fumado ou mascado, provoca euforia seguida de sono onírico.
Unknown (19th century)-'men smoking opium, sitting on lying on the ground'-miniature London-British Library (Ms ID ASIO 49, fol. 3 Manners and customs, India Office Album, 1870)
William John Huggins (1781-1816)-'opium ships at Lintin in China, 1824'-engraving by Edward Duncan-(1840-1850) Greenwich-National Maritime Museum
William James Müller (1812-1845)-'opium stall'-oil on panel-1841
Carlo Sarra (1844-1905)-'opium smoker'-oil on canvas-1890 Pavia-Civiche Raccolta d'Arte Moderna
Unknown-'genie carrying a poppy flower'-(bas-relief) Paris-Musée du Louvre (from Khorsabad)
Iran, Chehel Sotoun Museun in Isphahan
Around the year 1600, King Abbas II of Persia ordered the building of a palace in the city of Isphahan for receptions and recreation. He decorated it with frescoes on different subjects.
Cerca do ano 1600 o rei Abbas II da Pérsia mandou construir na cidade de Isphahan um Palácio para recepções e recreio. Decorou-o com frescos sobre temas diversos.
Unknown (17th century)-'Shah Abbas II receiving Vali Nadr Muhamad Khan'-fresco
Unknown (17th century)-'battle of Chaldiran (1514) against Ottoman Sultan Selim I'-fresco
Unknown (17th century)-'reception'-fresco
Unknown (17th century)-'scene of battle'-fresco
Unknown (17th century)-'old war'-fresco
Aphrodite and Adonis
Aphrodite (Venus) is supposed to have been hit by one of the arrows of her son Eros (Cupid). For this reason she fell in love with Adonis. During one of the goddess’s travel in her winged car pulled by swans, she heard the screams of pain of her beloved one mortally wounded by a wild boar.
Afrodite (Vénus) ter-se-á ferido numa das setas de seu filho Eros (Cupido). Por essa razão apaixonou-se por Adónis. Durante uma deslocação da deusa no seu carro alado puxado por cisnes apercebeu-se dos gritos de dor do seu amado mortalmente ferido por javali.
Dirk Quade van Ravensteyn (ca 1576-1612)-'Aphrodite, Adonis and Eros'-oil on canvas Paris-Musée du Louvre
François Lemoyne (1688-1757)-'Aphrodite, Adonis'-oil on canvas-1729
(afrter) Joseph Heintz the elder (1564-1609)-'Aphrodite, Adonis'-oil on canvas-1603
Pyotr Ivanovich Sokolov (1753-1791)-'Aphrodite, Adonis'-oil on canvas-1782
Jacopo Amigoni (1622-1752)-'Aphrodite, Adonis'-oil on canvas München-Alte Pinakothek
American scenes - transport
Edward Lamson Henry (1841-1919) in his paintings portrayed some aspects of the means of transport used by North Americans of his time
Alguns aspectos dos transportes utilizados pelos Norte-americanos do seu tempo deixou-os Edward Lamson Henri (1841-1919) nas suas pinturas.
Edward Lamson Henri (1841-1919)-'at the watering through'--oil on canvas-1895 Private collection
Edward Lamson Henri (1841-1919)-'carriage ride'-watercolor on paper, laid down in canvas-1886 Private collection
Edward Lamson Henri (1841-1919)-'early days of rapid transit'-oil on canvas Private collection
Edward Lamson Henri (1841-1919)-'the Camden and Amboy railroad with engine 'Planet' in 1834-oil on canvas-1904 Private collection
Edward Lamson Henri (1841-1919)-'waiting for the ferry'-1906-oil on canvas
Copenhagen by Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934)
Some consider that the term “Copenhagen” derives from the word that means “port of the merchants” due to its location on an island situated in the passage from the North Sea to the Baltic. The Danish artist Paul Gustave Fischer (1860-1934) represented some of its main sites.
Há quem considere que a palavra “Copenhague” deriva do vocábulo que significa “porto dos comerciantes”, devido à sua localização numa ilha situada na passagem do Mar do Norte para o Báltico. O pintor Dinamarquês Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934) representou alguns dos seus principais locais.
Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934)-'a winter's day on Kongens Nitorv'-oil on canvas-1888
Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934)-'ved Gamel Strand'-oil on canvas Private collection
Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934)-'a City Square'-oil on canvas
Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934)-'the Storkespringvandet in Amagertov'-oil on canvas
Paul Gustave Fisher (1860-1934)-'Bredgade'-oil on canvas
Birth of Christ (Geburt Christi)
The historicity of the birth of Jesus Christ has been long established, with the exception of one day that is not documented. For this reason Christian Churches have set a date according to their liturgical calendar.
A historicidade do nascimento de Jesus Cristo está há muito estabelecida, com excepção do dia que não se encontra documentado. Por essa razão as Igrejas Cristãs estabeleceram uma data de acordo com o seu calendário litúrgico.
Unknown-'Nativity'-modern Romanian icon
Meister der Palastkapelle-'Nativity'-mosaic-ca 1150 Palermo-Cappella Palatina
Mittelrheinischer Meister um 1420-'Heilige Familie mit Engeln' 'Holy Fam,ily with Angels'-oil on oak wood Berlin-Gemäldegalerie
Bernardo Daddi (1290-1350)-'Birth of Jesus Christ'-oil on wood-(1325-1350) Edinburgh-National Gallery of Scotland
Geertgen tot Sint Jans (ca 1460-ca 1488)-'Birth of Jesus Christ'-oil on wood-ca 1488 London-National Gallery
Five senses of the human body
The perception of the world that surrounds human beings depends on sensory factors that enable us to capture the surrounding reality. They are called: touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight, according to the hierarchy established in the Middle Ages
A percepção do mundo que rodeia os seres humanos depende de factores sensoriais susceptíveis de captar a realidade envolvente. Denominam-se: tacto, gosto, olfacto, audição, visão; de acordo com hierarquia estabelecida na Idade Média.
Sebastian Stoskopff (1597-1657)-'Summer or the Five senses'-oil on canvas-1633 Strasbourg-Musée de l'Oeuvre de Notre Dame
Giuseppe Recco (1634-1695)-'still-life with the Five senses'-oil on canvas-1676 Private collection
Theodoor Rombouts (1597-1637)-'allegory of 'the Five senses'-oil on canvas Ghent-Museum voor Schone Kunsten
Abraham Bosse (1602-1676)-'the Five senses: hearing'-oil on canvas-ca 1635 Tours-Musée des Beaux Arts
Frans Francken younger (1581-1642)-'the Five senses'-oil on wood Paris-Musée du Louvre
Jacques Linnard (1600-1645)-'the Five senses'-oil on canvas-1638 Strasbourg-Musée des Beaux Arts
Fishing in Antiquity
Fishing was, at all times, one of the easiest sources of obtaining animal protein. Therefore this activity is not forgotten by the painters of all centuries.
A pesca foi, em todas as épocas, uma das mais fáceis fontes de obtenção de proteínas de origem animal. Por essa razão não a esqueceram os pintores dos vários séculos.
Unknown-'fishing'-miniature-14th century Roma-Biblioteca Casanatense (Tacuinum Sanitatis, Ms 4182)
Unknown-'men fishing on the Nile'-roman mosaic-2nd century AD Tripoli .Jamahiriya Museum (from Leptis Magma, Villa Nillus)
Unknown-'young man with fishing nets' and 'a couple fishing with net and fishing rod'-attic-(red-figure)-pelike-(480-470 BC) Wien-Kunsthistoriches Museum antikensammlung (Vienna 3727)
Unknown (1292-1225 BC)-'fishermen, putting in nets, fishing with baskets'-wallpainting Paris-Musée du Louvre (from Thebes-tomb of Ipy nº 217)
Unknown painter of Karlsruhe 66/140-'three sea-perch and three limpets'-Apulian-(red-figure)-plate-(340-320 BC) London-British Museum (London F 266)
Railway development (19th century)
In the 19th century the advances in transportation had its high point in the creation of rail networks where trains circulated towed by steam machines. Passengers and cargo were transported throughout the civilized world.
No séc. XIX o progresso dos transportes teve o seu ponto alto na criação de redes ferroviárias onde circulavam comboios (trens) rebocados por máquinas a vapor. Transportaram passageiros e carga por todo o mundo civilizado.
No séc. XIX o progresso dos transportes teve o seu ponto alto na criação de redes ferroviárias onde circulavam comboios (trens) rebocados por máquinas a vapor. Transportaram passageiros e carga por todo o mundo civilizado.
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Cuthbert Hamilton Ellis (1909-1987)-'LSWR (London and South Western Railway) train'-1850 York-National Railway Museum |
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Carl von Ghega (1802-1860)-'construction of the Semmering Railroad Line first european mountain railroad across the Semmering Pass in Lower Austria' Wien-Technisches Museum |
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Eduard Gurk (1801-1841)-'the railroad-bridge in Brno (ZR)'-watercolour-ca 1840 St Poelten-Niederösterreichiches Landesmuseum |
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Georges d'Espagnat (1870-1750)-'a suburban railroad station'-oil on canvas-ca 1895 Paris-Musée d'Orsay |
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Ignaz Sonntag (1801- )-'the train in Vienna (north train)'-Biedermeier coloured lithograph-1837 Wien-Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien |
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Unknown-'Emperor Frans Joseph I returns from his trip to Budapest and is greated at Vienna Western Railroad Station by the Lord Mayor of Vienna Karl Lueger'-watercolour Wien-Nationalbibliothek |
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