
Dice players (jogadores de dados)

Dice games go back to several millennia, for example, there is evidence of its use in Mesopotamia. Greek vases were found showing paintings of Achilles playing with Ajax, the Great, during the breaks of the Trojan War fights.

O jogo de dados remonta a vários milénios, por exemplo, há indícios do seu uso na Mesopotâmia. Foram encontrados vasos gregos com pinturas de Aquiles a jogar com Ájax, o grande, num intervalo das lutas na Guerra de Tróia.

Workshop of the Diosphos painter-'Achilles and Ajax (the greater) playing dice'-attic-(black-figure)-lekythos-ca 500 BC   Paris-Musée du Louvre (MNB 911)

Unknown-'dice players'-fresco   Pompeii-Osteria della Vie di Mercurio (VI, 10, 1, 19)

Simó Gómez Polo (1845-1880)-'dice players'-oil on canvas-1874   Barcelona-Museo National d'Art de Catalunya

Fritz Wagner (1896-1939)-'dice players'-oil on canvas   Private collection

Workshop (?) of Georges de La Tour (1593-1652)-'dice players'-oil on canvas-ca 1650   Stockton-Tees (UK)-the Preston Hall Museum


Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878) USA landscapes

The North American artist Robert Havell Jr. (1793-1878) painted many landscapes, particularly of the State of New York.

O artista plástico norte-Americano Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878) pintou inúmeras paisagens, principalmente do Estado de Nova Iorque.

Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878)-'view of the Hudson river  near West Point'-oil on canvas   Private collection

Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878)-'view of the Hudson river  near Sing Sing, New York'-oil on canvas

Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878)-'view of Tarrytown of the Hudson river  old Dutch church and Beckham Maner-oil on canvas

Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878)-'sunset near Sing Sing, New York' oil on canvas   Private collection

Robert Havell Jr (1793-1878)-'view of the bay and city of New York from Weehawken'- oil on canvas-1840   Private collection


Muslim Games

In 19th century, backgammon, known as “tavli”, had wide acceptance in the western part of the Muslim world.

O gamão, conhecido por “tavli”, teve, no séc. XIX, grande aceitação na zona ocidental do mundo Muçulmano.

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'a game of backgammon'-watercolour   Private collection

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'a game of tavli'-pencil watercolour and gouache   Private collection

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'a game of tavli'-pencil watercolour and gouache   Private collection

Ludwig Deutsch (1855-1935)-'the chess game-oil on panel-1896   Private collection

Rudolf Otto von Ottenfeld (1856-1913)-'backgammon (Albanians)'-oil on panel-1890    Private collection


Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (II)

This Royal Museum (Rijksmuseum), the largest of the Netherlands, is dedicated to the history of art, especially Dutch art. Nearby, there are the museums of Van Gogh and Stedlijk (city museum).
Este Museu Real (Rijks), o maior dos Países Baixos, dedica-se à história da arte, principalmente holandesa. Próximo encontram-se os museus de Van Gogh e Stedlijk (da cidade).

Jan Havickszoon Steen (ca 1625-1679)-'in the tavern'-oil on canvas-1660

English anonymous-'the dairy cow'-oil on panel-ca 1585

Bonaventura Peeters I (1614-1652)-'ships near a pier'-oil on panel-(1635-1652)

Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678)-'the miracle of the obol in the mouth of the fish'-oil on canvas-(1650-1670)

David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690)-'country kermis-oil on canvas


Pipe smokers (fumadores de cachimbo)

The use of pipe for smoking tobacco was common in some tribes of Native Americans from areas where the plant grew wild. In Europe and the Middle East the pipe was used to smoke Indian hemp before the appearance of tobacco.

O uso do cachimbo para fumar tabaco era frequente em algumas tribos de nativos americanos de regiões onde a planta cresce espontaneamente. Na Europa e Médio Oriente serviu para fumar cânhamo indiano antes da introdução do tabaco.
Adriaen van Ostade (1610-1685)-'an apothecary smoking in an interior'-oil on panel-1646

Cornelis Dusart (1660-1684)-'pipe smoker'-oil on canvas-1684 Private collection

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso (1881-1973)-'boy with pipe'-oil on canvas-1905

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)-'self portrait with pipe'-oil on canvas

Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)-'pipe smoker'-oil on canvas-1900


Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs

The Centaurs are sometimes regarded as the embodiment of the wild nature of human beings. They were involved in confrontations during the wedding feast of Pirithous, Ixion’s son, and Hippodamia. The Centaurs were defeated by the Lapiths with the help of Theseus.

Os Centauros são por vezes considerados como encarnação da natureza selvagem dos seres humanos. Envolveram-se em desacatos durante o banquete nupcial de Piritoo, filho de Íxion, com Hipodâmia. Os Lápitas derrotaram-nos com o auxílio de Teseu.
Luca Giordano (ca 1634-1705)-'battle of Lapiths and Centaurs'-oil on canvas-1625 Portland-Art Museum

Piero di Cosimo (ca 1462-1521) 'fighting of Lapiths and Centaurs'-oil on panel London-National Gallery

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) 'battle of Lapiths and Centaurs'-relief marble-ca 1492

Francesco Solimena (1657-1747)-'battle between Lapiths and Centaurs'-oil on canvas-(1735-1740) Private collection

Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734)-'battle of Lapiths and Centaurs at the marriage of Pirithous, king of Lapiths'-oil on canvas-ca 1705 Private collection


Coffee drinkers (consumidores de café)

The diffusion of coffee consumption in Europe started at the beginning of the 17th century. At first it was done in appropriate places, and then continued at the stakeholders’ homes.

No começo do séc. XVII iniciou-se a divulgação do consumo de café na Europa; no começo em locais apropriados, seguidamente em casa dos interessados.
Charles André van Loo (1705-1765)-'a Sultana is a cup of coffee presented by a slave'-oil on canvas-1747 Paris-Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Henry Gervex (1852-1929)-'cafe scene in Paris'-oil on canvas.1877 Detroit-Art Institute

Peter Carl Geissler (1802-1872)-'suffering and joys in the bath Leuck'-illustration

Koelof Koetz (1650-1725)-'boy to each is father a cup of coffee'-oil on canvas

Wilhelm Schreur (1866-1933)-'the coffee drinking at the riverside'-oil on paper


Expulsion of the Moorish (1613)

The kings of Spain conquered the kingdom of Granada in 1492. By royal determination the Moors were forced to convert to Catholicism from 1519 to 1526. These new Christians were designated as Moorish. There were renegades from both sides. There were several uprisings fomented by the Ottomans in the time of Philip II. Philip III ordered the Moorish expulsion from Valencia to Oran in 1613.

Os reis de Espanha conquistaram o reino de Granada em 1492. Por determinação real foram os Mouros forçados a converter-se ao catolicismo entre 1519 e 1526. Estes Cristãos-novos receberam a designação de Mouriscos. Havia renegados de ambos os lados. Houve várias sublevações no tempo de Filipe II fomentadas pelos Otomanos. Filipe III determinou dos Mouriscos expulsão de Valência para Oran em 1613.
Jacinto Rodríguez Espinosa (1562-1642)-'insurrection in Vall de Gallinera or Laguar'-oil on canvas-1613

Pere Oromig-'Moriscos in the Grao de Valencia embarkation'-oil on canvas-1613

Pere Oromig and Francisco Peralta-'the expulsion in Vinaros'-oil on canvas-1613

Vincente Mestre-'expulsion of the Moriscos at the port of Dénia'-oil on canvas-1613

Vincente Mestre-'disembarking of the Moriscos at Oran port' oil on canvas-1613


Carpet sellers (vendedores de tapetes)

Due to weather conditions in certain regions of the Islamic world the use of carpets is very common. The tales from the "Thousand and One Nights" spread out the idea of the "magic carpet".

Devido às condições meteorológicas de certas regiões do mundo islâmico é muito comum o uso dos tapetes. Os contos "Mil e uma Noites" divulgaram a ideia do "tapete voador".
Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'Carpet seller'-watercolour on board Private collection

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'Carpet merchant'-watercolour on board Private collection

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'Carpet seller'-pencil and watercolour on paper Private collection

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'Carpet seller'-watercolour Private collection

Giulio Rosati (1858-1917)-'Carpet sellers'-watercolour Private collection



Legends consider Tantalus as the son of Zeus or Tmolus, king of Lydia. According to one legend, Tantalus is said to have stolen food from the gods, having replaced it by his son Pelops roasted on a spit. The gods sent him to a fertile valley of Tartarus where he could not approach the existing food (Homer, Odyssey, XI, 584). The so-called 'torture of Tantalus' has the meaning of 'so near yet so far'.

As lendas consideram Tântalo como filho de Zeus ou de Tmolos, rei da Lídia. Numa delas terá roubado a comida dos deuses, tendo-a substituída por seu filho Pélope assado no espeto. Os deuses enviaram-no para um vale fértil do Tártaro onde não conseguia aproximar-se dos alimentos (Homero; Odisseia, XI, 584). O denominado 'suplício de Tântalo' tem o significado de 'tão perto e tão longe'.
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828)-'Tantalus (Caprichos)'-etching Private collection

Hendrik Goltzius (1558-1617) after Cornelis Corneliszoon van Haarlem-'fall of Tantalus (the four disgracers)'-engraving Auckland (Australia)-Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki

Bernard Picart (1673-1733)-'Tantalus'

Johann Ulrich Krauss (1655-1719)-'Tantalus' Ovid's; Metamorphoses, X, 41-42

Giochino Assereto (1600-1649)-'punishment of Tantalus'-(1630-1640)