
Rome by Edward Lear

The artist Edward Lear (1812-1888), famous for his books and paintings, gave Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom drawing lessons.

Famoso pelos seus livros e pinturas deu Edward Lear (1812-1888) lições de desenho à Rainha Victória do Reino Unido.

Edward Lear (1812-1888)-'the temple of Venus and Rome'-oil on canvas

Edward Lear (1812-1888)-'St John Lateran and the Claudian aqueduct'-oil on canvas

Edward Lear (1812-1888)-'view of Rome and its environs'-oil on canvas-1841

Edward Lear (1812-1888)-'a view in the Roman Campangna'-oil on canvas

Edward Lear Circle (1812-1888)-'Rome, from near Monte Mario'-oil on canvas    Private collection


Greek mythology by Alexandre Cabanel

Among other themes, the French artist Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889) painted Greek mythology motifs. He had as disciples Brazilian and Portuguese painters.

O Francês Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889) pintou, entre outros, temas da mitologia Grega. Teve como discípulos pintores brasileiros e portugueses.

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'the birth of Venus'-oil on canvas-1863    Paris-Musée d' Orsay

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'Nymph and Satyr'-oil on canvas-1860    Private collection

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'Phaedra'-oil on canvas-1880    Montpellier-Musée Fabre

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'soprano Christine Nilsson as Pandora'-oil on canvas-1873    Baltimore-The Walter Art Museum

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'Echo'-oil on canvas


Art in the Soviet Union (USSR)

Like all human activities, art was closely linked to the political system inherent to this type of socialism.

Como todas as atividades humanas, a arte encontrava-se enquadrada no sistema político deste tipo de socialismo.

Isaak Israelovich Brodsky (1885-1939)-'Lenin in Smolny'-oil on canvas-1930   Moscow-Tretyakov Gallery

Isaak Israelovich Brodsky (1885-1939)-'Lenin at Putilov factory at May 1917'-oil on canvas-1929

Victor Ivanov-'Vladimir Iliytch Lenin, a volunteer in the Kremlin'-oil on canvas

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939)-'death of a comissary'-oil on canvas-1928   St Petersburg-Russian Museum

Mitrofan Borisovich Martyschenko Grekov (1882-1934)-'trompeter and standard-bearer' -oil on canvas   Moscow-Central museum of Armed Forces


Girls by Giovanni Costa

The Italian artist Giovanni Costa (1826-1903) participated in several revolutions: with Garibaldi (1848), Independence (1858) and assault to Porta Pia in the Fall of Rome (1870).

O Italiano Giovanni Costa (1826-1903) participou em várias revoluções: com Garibaldi (1848), independência (1858) e assalto à Porta Pia na Queda de Roma (1870).

Giovanni Costa (1826-1903)-'a young lady holding a basket of plowers'-oil on canvas    Private collection    

Giovanni Costa (1826-1903)-'a young Italian beauty with a plate of oranges'-oil on canvas    Private collection
Giovanni Costa (1826-1903)-'ready for the ball'-oil on canvas

Giovanni Costa (1826-1903)-'Ciocciara in the wood'-oil on canvas

 Giovanni Costa (1826-1903)-'the masked ball'-oil on canvas  


Family community by Henry Mosler

The North American painter Henry Mosler (1841-1920) was born in Silesia. This artist devoted part of his work to the family unit motif. He witnessed the “War of Secession” as a correspondent of the magazine “Harper's Weekly” (1863).

Nasceu na Silésia o pintor Norte-Americano Henry Mosler (1841-1920), artista que dedicou à célula familiar parte da sua obra. Assistiu à “Guerra da Secessão” como correspondente da revista Harper's Weekly (1863).

Henry Mosler (1841-1920)-'buying the wedding trousseau'-oil on canvas-1880    Private collection

Henry Mosler (1841-1920)-'the cheminey corner'-oil on canvas-1893   Cincinnati-Art Museum

Henry Mosler (1841-1920)-'New Year's morning'-oil on canvas-1888    Cincinnati-Art Museum

Henry Mosler (1841-1920)-'Pilgrim's Grace'-oil on canvas-1897    Allentown-Art Museum of the Leight Valley

Henry Mosler (1841-1920)-'just moved'-oil on canvas-1870   New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art


Jerusalem by William Ferguson Brassey Hole

The Scottish painter William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917) devoted part of his work to the Biblical city of Jerusalem.

O pintor Escocês William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917) dedicou parte da sua obra Bíblica à cidade de Jerusalém.

William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917)-'the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuzar Adan'-oil on canvas

William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917)-'the capture of Jerusalem from the Jebusites'-oil on canvas

William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917)-'rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem under Nehemiah'-oil on canvas

William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917)-'Uzziah erects engines of war on the walls of Jerusalem'-oil on canvas

William Ferguson Brassey Hole (1846-1917)-'the dedication of the Temple'-oil on canvas



The Evangelists Matthew (1:25) and Luke (2:6) mention the birth of Jesus Christ.

Os Evangelistas São Mateus (1, 25) e São Lucas (2, 6) mencionam o nascimento de Jesus Cristo.

Master of Flémalle (Robert Campin) (ca 1375-1444)-'the Nativity'-oil on wood-1420    Dijon-Musée des Beaux-Arts

Master of Hohenfurth (active Prague 1350-1370)-'the Nativity'-tempera on canvas covered panel-ca 1350 Prague-Narodni Galerie

Master of Salzburg Nativity (active ca 1400) 'the Nativity'-tempera on walnut-ca 1400    Wien-Galerie Mittelälterlicher Österreichischer Kunst

Master Flemish (active ca 1400)-'the Nativity'-tempera on wood-ca 1400    Antwerp-Museum Mayer van den Bergh

Master Bertram (ca 1345-1415)-'the Nativity'-tempera on wood-(1379-1383)    Hamburg-Kunsthalle


Biblical subjects by Alexandre Cabanel

The classical painter Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889) attended the School of Fine Arts in Paris. For his works he chose mainly historical, mythological, and landscapes motifs.

O pintor clássico Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889) frequentou a Escola de Belas Artes de Paris. Para as suas obras escolheu principalmente assuntos de história, mitologia e paisagens.

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'the death of Moses'-oil on canvas-1851    New York-Dahesh Museum

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Paradise'-oil on canvas    Private collection

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'fallen Angel'-oil on canvas    Private collection

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'Ruth gleaning in the field of Booz'-oil on canvas    Châlons-en-Champagne- Musée Garinet

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889)-'Samson and Delelah'-oil on canvas-ca 1878    Private collection


The ship of fools

Several contemporary painters left their vision of “The Ship of Fools” based on the idea developed by Hieronymus Bosch (1503-1504).

Diversos pintores contemporâneos deram a sua visão da nave dos loucos com base na ideia desenvolvida por Hieronymus Bosch (1503-1504).

Richard Deurer (1947- )-'the ship of fools'-oil on canvas

Vladimir Ryklin (1934-)-'the ship of fools'-oil on canvas

Patsy Dan Mac Ruairi (Rodgers) (20-21th century) -'the ship of fools'-oil on canvas

John Alexander (1945-)-'the ship of fools'-oil on canvas   Sydney-Museum of Contemporary Art

Pieter Velford (20-21th century)-'the ship of fools'-oil on canvas


Free Radicals

Free radicals are molecules or atoms highly reactive due to the presence of an extra electron in the last layer.
The “mitochondrial free radical theory of aging” began in 1954. In living organisms, free radicals are formed endogenously during the oxidation processes of some nutrients absorbed by the digestive tract. Among those coming from outside we can list: environmental pollution factors, RX and UV, smoked tobacco, alcohol, animal fats, pesticide residues, certain food additives, hormones administered to animals, part of the oxygen we breathe.
Living organisms have enzymes that act effectively as protective elements against radicals’ aggressiveness on the cells, but they need supplements available in vegetables and fruit bearers of antioxidant substances: vitamins C and E and beta-carotenes. Their presence at the cellular level triggers pathological disorders such as blood strokes, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, certain types of cancer, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

* M. Barry Halliwell and C. Gutteridge, Free Radical in Biology and Medicine, Claredon Press, Oxford (1989)

Denominam-se radicais livres as moléculas ou átomos altamente reactivos devido à presença de um electrão suplementar na última camada. A teoria "mitochondrial free radical theory of aging" iniciou-se em 1954. Nos organismos vivos formam-se endogenamente durante os processos de oxidação de alguns nutrientes absorvidos por via digestiva. Entre os provenientes do exterior contam-se: factores de poluição ambiental, RX e UV, tabaco fumado, álcool, gorduras animais, resíduos de pesticidas, certos aditivos alimentares, hormonas administradas a animais, parte do oxigénio respirado.
Os organismos vivos possuem enzimas que actuam eficazmente como protectoras da sua agressividade sobre as células, mas necessitam de suplementos disponíveis em legumes e frutos portadores de substâncias anti-oxidantes: vitaminas C e E e beta-carotenos. A sua presença a nível celular desencadeia distúrbios patológicos como: derrames sanguíneos, enfarto do miocárdio, aterosclerose, certos tipos de cancro e doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson.
*Barry Halliwell and M. C. Gutteridge; Free radical in biology and medicine, Claredon Press, Oxford (1989)



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London by Jan Griffier I

The Dutch Baroque painter Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719) was very active during his stay in London.

O pintor barroco Holandês Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719) esteve muito ativo durante a sua permanência em Londres.

Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719)-'view of London'-oil on canvas

Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719)-Covent Garden'-oil on canvas   London-Bank of England

Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719)-'the Thames during the great frost of 1739'-oil on canvas

Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719)-'the great fire of London in the year 1666'

Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719)-'Hampton Court Palace'-oil on copper-ca 1710   London-Tate Gallery

Jan Griffier I (ca 1646-1719)-'leaving for the hunt on the outskirts of London'-oil on canvas